
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Five ways to fix the All Star game

I know, the All Star game has only just begun, but I wanna post this before we're fully enveloped in Fox's All Star crap. I'm not very impressed with how this has panned out, for a number of reasons. With the exception of some pitching, and a few batters, there are none of the game's top stars. And I'm kinda disappointed in a bunch of other things. Let me list the five ways this annual event can rebound next year.

1. Have it on ESPN. I'm tired of the ASG always being on Fox, and constantly being interrupted with the standard 5 minutes of pointless ads. With ESPN, there would be better broadcasters, less commercials and maybe a lot more ratings from casual sportsfans. Also, there would be a lot less Joe Buck. Matter of fact, no Joe Buck. Which would be awesome.

2. Have an entire week before the All Star game. I realize that this would puncture the whole "162 games" thing, but we can push the postseason back a little bit. Besides, there would be a whole lot less pitchers dropping out due to pitching the Sunday before. I asbolutely hate that rule, and with this addition, it could be diminished. Also, there could be one more day of festivities, maybe giving the Celebrity Softball Game its own day.

3. Have it in the same place every year. This sounds "un-All Star" in a way, but bear with me hear. What's so great about the Pro Bowl each year is that it's relaxation for the players because it's in Hawaii. Say you put the All Star game somewhere nice. And I know, you're gonna say everywhere's nice because it's summer. Well, people aren't begging to go to St. Louis, or Cleveland for an All Star game. So keep it in the same place, like build a stadium in Florida for it, so that it'd be a priveledge to go to the All Star game every year.

4. Let the fans vote on the pitchers. I know this sounds ridiculous, since there are so many pitchers, but what I feel is missing from the AS Ballots are the chance to pick the pitchers. And I'm always disappointed every year when there are pitchers that I've never heard of (Joel Hanharan? Tyler Clippard? Brandon League?) on the ballot, that the managers chose. Maybe there could be a seperate ballot for the pitchers, so you could choose ten starters and two closers from each league. This could limit the spontanaety in the pitching choices that managers have.

5. Remove the final man vote for the fans: Let the sportswriters decide. A la the Hall of Fame vote, give the sportswriters five names from each league, and let them decide who is most worthy. Because when we do it, the more deserving choices are left out (Konerko over Adam Jones), so the sportswriters can choose for us. Or just, you know, remove the final man vote altogether, but that's apparently too easy for you people.

I know, I may be criticized by some people for these suggestions, but even the naysayers will admit I have a point. The All Star game is not what it used to be, and with no star power (Jeter, A-Rod, Ichiro, Sabathia, Pujols are all sitting out), something has to be done. I just hope that something is done by next year.


  1. Agree with the Joe Buck suggestion. I turned it off when I remembered it was him doing the call, and after the second question they asked anybody was about the Yankees and Red Sox. Unfortunately, if ESPN did it, there would probably be more of that instead of discussions about the rest of the league, like maybe stars on teams that don't get on national TV much...

    I side with Kruk in that I think the vote by the people should only be a small percentage. If the game is supposed to have an effect on the post-season, let the players and managers pick the lineups. It would eliminate a lot of the popularity contest and past career tribute elections. Put the best players having the best seasons THIS YEAR on the field.

    Heck, no need to build a stadium in Florida, there's already one there that almost no one is using. Have you seen average Marlins attendance?
