
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Stadium Club Contest: Seven Spots remaining

I'm finally back from vacation, and I've settled in at home. Unfortunately, there are two wax boxes waiting to be ripped, and a contest waiting to be started. I know that there aren't too many bloggers for certain teams, but once there's an indefinite drought, and no one will claim the remaining teams, I'll stop plugging and start the contest. But for now, I'm trying to get my first contest filled, because it's going to be very interesting.

Lemme refresh the rules, for any newcomers: I'll rip each pack, and I will assign each card I pull a number of pulls, varying by the star power, pose, action shot, or if it's an insert. If it's a double, it automatically gets one point. These points will go to the team, and the blogger that has the most points at the end of 2 Stadium Club boxes (1993 and 1996) for their team will win (A- All the cards from their team, and (B- Some assorted other things I'll throw in corresponding to that team, or the winner's wantlist. To reiterate- 28 bloggers will enter, only one will win. There's a 1 in 28 chance of winning, but there's sweet swag on the line.

The teams, copied from the last post:
Angels: Mariner1
Athletics- dominicfdny
Blue Jays- Kazi
Braves- Captain Canuck
Cardinals- FanOfReds
Cubs- card anathema
Dodgers- Greg Zakwin
Giants- Dan
Indians- Baseball Dad
Mariners- The Lost Collector
Mets- BA Benny
Expos- Nathan
Orioles- shady Twine
Padres- Rod of Padrographs
Phillies- dawgbones
Pirates- piratesfan731
Rangers- Play at the plate
Red Sox-
Reds- henchmiester
Tigers -indiana potch
White Sox- Jeff Laws
Yankees- Ryan LaMonica

Please try to sign up for this thing, so we can get the ball rolling on it. Customs will be back tomorrow, and this week I'll also be looking for some Lineage (I know, I'm very late).


  1. I will take the expos, thanks for the contest! :)

  2. if Ryan switched... move me over to my Braves!

  3. I don't know how I missed it earlier. Since Lost got me on the Mariners, sign me up for the Angels.
