
Friday, November 11, 2011

When Jonathan Papelbon came to Philly

(Note: The original title of this post was Papelbon Smear, but the mental image it would give people would be unworthy of my 15th best blogger status)

Understandably, Jonathan Papelbon was never my favorite closer. The lasting image of him going nuts after getting the final out against Colorado sealed it for me. He was cocky, he was hated, and he was a member of the Boston Red Sox. I thought I would never cheer for this guy, no matter what. Unfortunately, according to Bill Cosby, "God...has a sense of humor".

Today, Papelbon signed a 4-year deal with my Phillies, despite warnings from the angel on his right shoulder. For four years (or less), I'm gonna have to root for this guy. He'll be closing out games for us, in place of the dearly dejected Ryan Madson, which I resent. Madson was already an excellent pitcher, and he closed games for us. And now we're giving him up on account of a shady closer who's been struggling for the last few years? It's insane.

You can say I'm a little mad at the Papelbon deal, but if he starts throwing fire again, it could work to our advantage. Papelbon in a good year would strengthen the bullpen, and give us a guaranteed arm to close out games, something we didn't have with Brad Lidge.

So the deal could go either way for Philly...maybe he'll close out the last inning of the world series again...only I won't be infuriated this time.

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