
Monday, May 21, 2012

Custom Card of the Day: Van Slyke Edition

So a player originally discovered by one of the bigger cardbloggers finally gets to the bigs, and hits a game winning home run to break the game wide open and win. How do I NOT make a custom of that?

As we all may have heard, Scott Van Slyke hit his first homer last night, and whopped one for his first at bat, pinch hitting late in the game. And this is the same Scott Van Slyke that our own Night Owl basically said "This guy better be good, I have 5 million doubles of his BowChro card." And then Van Slyke, who actually IS related to Andy Van Slyke, blasts his home run, causing an "I told you so" post from Night Owl.

So before all the Dodger fans of mine (all one of you) could get the chance to say "please make a custom of this guy, he's awesome", I did.

I'll wait a little more before the next Dodger though.

Coming Tomorrow- in the process of making more. Probably Andy Pettite.

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