
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Custom Card of the Day: Wood Edition

The first time I was aware of this guy's existence, he was pitching several no-hit innings against my Phillies. Already, I wasn't a fan.

He was a rookie for Cincinatti, already the team's top pitching prospect, and there he was bamboozling my Phils. It was a true duel between him and Halladay, who both had no-hitters going that game. And I didn't know what shocked me more- that someone was close to no-hitting such a dominant team, or that the guy was someone I had never heard of.

Ever since, Travis Wood has been a decent pitcher for the Reds, and now the Cubs. I pulled a game-used of him earlier this year, so I'm hoping he sorta pans out. more nohitters against the Phillies.

Coming Tomorrow- A Yankee. Whether it's the one who just returned from death (read: retirement), or the outfielder who's been getting hot, I don't know.

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