
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Custom Card of the Day: Freeman Edition

Man, this year's Top 30 list is gonna be tough. I may have to stretch it into a Top 50. This one's really good.

This is the one guy on the Braves that gets zero credit. Chipper, McCann, J-Hey and Bourn steal all the accolades, and the pitching staff gets all the stories, while Freddie Freeman is slowly becoming one of the better Braves out there. He's a good hitter, and he can play his position well, as evidenced by the card (don't pay attention to the Astro sliding back into first. He'll be out in a second anyway). 

The one thing that sorta overshadows him is the fact that when he came up, J-Hey mania was still all around Atlanta, to the point that his rookie season wasn't at the forefront of everyone's mind. It was Kimbrel that was the real rookie star, and while he ended up with the ROY, Freeman got zilch. 

Maybe sooner or later Freeman will become a big star in Atlanta. I hope.

Coming Tomorrow- Delayed a week due to a lack of wifi, THROWBACK WEEK IS HERE! Tomorrow, a Cardinals pitcher that seems to keep getting hurt at the wrong times. 

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