
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Custom Card of the Day: Frazier Edition


There's always one.

That rookie that pops up mid-year, even though he was probably playing last season. Either way, he's suddenly hitting well and on ESPN and everything.

Yeah. That's Todd Frazier for ya.

The reason he's been getting so much attention is the fact that his team is Red hot, no pun intended. The Reds have been on fire for the last month or so, with most pitchers on par, Bruce and Votto hitting strongly, and this guy blossoming well. 

So if there's a rookie hitting well on a team playing's a big deal. And Todd Frazier should be a big deal this season. He'll probably be in consideration for the ROY.

Coming Tomorrow- Speaking of rookies, this one debuted earlier today, and hit a home run. The only downside is that he's another freaking Ranger. 

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