
Monday, September 17, 2012

Custom Card of the Day: Miley Edition


(Disclaimer: To any confused tweens, this post does not involve pop star Miley Cyrus. This is a blog about baseball cards. The writer appreciates the pageview, but he asks that you please go away before your bubblegum pops and your bff texts you simply to say "lol")

(2nd Disclaimer: The writer wishes to apologize to all adults/teens reading that last paragraph. Those who refer to it as sterotypical of teens must be reminded that the writer is, in fact, sixteen years of age, and that many of his friends actually act like that)

For those of you who don't know, forgot, or simply refused to remember, I took a cruise this summer, which was very nice. It was out of New Orleans, so I got a nice mix of Southern accents, and a heaping pile of LSU alums, who make up 70% of the city of New Orleans 

(3rd Disclaimer: The writer apologizes if any LSU alums are reading this post. If they are, the writer wishes them all good luck with the rest of the season takes his comments back)

 But still, the nice smorgasboard of Southerners made for a very interesting trip. We sat at a table with some very nice ladies from Arkansas. We spoke with Texans and New Orleans residents.

However, the most interesting part was when, after a midnight comedy show I surmise, we got into an elevator with some relatives of a major league baseball player.

I was wearing a Phillies shirt. Which, in itself, was genius, because it's always a nice conversation starter when you're on a boat with people whose conversations you can't understand most of the time.

(4th Disclaimer:--Tired of these yet? No? Okay. 

(4th Disclaimer- The writer apologizes for any jokes made at the expense of Southerners. The writer also wishes to add that the Rangers will likely win the World Series, albeit while snickering)

But still, the kind people in the elevator saw my Phillies shirt, and asked, obviously, if I was a Phillies fan, to start a conversation. They proceeded to tell me and my folks that a relative of theirs, a kid, pitched at Citizens Bank Park, against the Phils.
They asked if we'd ever heard of Wade Miley. Of course we had. He was an All Star, a great young pitcher, and he was one of the youngsters giving Arizona a small bit of attention this year. 

I just thought that was kinda cool, is all. Meeting a baseball player's relatives isn't something you do everyday. Whenever I see Wade pitch, I'll remember that.

Coming Tomorrow- Because the world demanded another one, a Cardinals custom. It's their closer. You can easily see how enthused I am about this.

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