
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

1,000 Posts

It took me 4 years to get to here, but I've made it. I've hit the 1,000th post ever blogged, and I feel great about it. I realize that most big time bloggers hit their thousandth years ago, but I got there slowly, surely, and inconsistently. During these 1,000 posts, my team one a World Series, my other team won a Super Bowl, and I started making Custom Cards that made a nation smile

So, what do I have planned for my 1,000th post?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I'll say that I could have prepared something, but I am. I'm working on a ton of customs for Year By Year, starting in December. I'm also compiling my aforementioned list, of the Top 100 Insert Sets of All Time (any suggestions would be great.) So yeah, I didn't prepare for the actual post, but it's not like I didn't prepare entirely.

Besides, do you really want me droning on about how wondrous an occasion this is? I've written 1,000 stories. Ya think William Shakespeare told the whole town how great a writer he was when he wrote his one thousandth? No. Because he was humble, like me. I'm not saying I could write classic plays and stuff, but I'm humble about how good my work is.

But I really don't need to elaborate on why this is so great. I've written something every day for 1,000 days. Not consecutively, or there may have been two in one day, but you get the point.

Will I make it to 2,000? Probably. Will I make it to 5,000? I can't say I'm that ambitious. By the time I hit 5,000 posts, I'll probably be the last original blogger standing, as a parade of amateurs have taken over, or something like that. But it would be nice to think that far ahead.

So yeah. I wrote 1,000 posts, and I'm definitely not stopping there. Not even for infuriating baseball stories that I don't even want to write abou-

What's that?

They traded WHO to Toronto?

Well, I know what I'm doing for my 1,001st post...