
Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Har-Bowl: Two Weeks Away

Well, after much speculating, predicting, and hovering (the latter was mostly done by Bill Belichick, in the most Belechickian way possible), we finally have our Super Bowl match set, and it's one I was secretly hoping for.

The Baltimore Ravens, led by John Harbaugh, with their trusty QB Joe Flacco, and future Hall of Famer Ray Lewis, took the AFC. They made this fan very happy by clobbering the New England Patriots, by stomping over them repeatedly until it wasn't funny anymore (I kid, it's always funny). They seem like a fun team, one that's been deserving a Super Bowl nod for a while now.

They'll be facing the San Francisco Giants, led by Jim Harbaugh, with trusty QB Colin Kaepernick, and future Hall of Famer (?) Randy Moss. They made this fan angry by defeating his Green Bay Packers, and kicking them when they were down, but they redeemed it by coming back to defeat the Atlanta Falcons, the kings of irony. I'm not too pleased with these guys, for beating the Packers, but I'm not against them.

That's the thing, I don't hate any of these teams. If I'll root for any of them, I'll probably go with Baltimore. They seem like the better team, and they're a bit more fun to watch. And also, that proves I have nothing against Baltimore after yesterday's much-regretful comments about Earl Weaver.

But still, the whole Harbaugh vs. Harbaugh aspect is gonna be fun. I imagine whoever loses the game is just gonna get the other brother in a headlock after the game, and start yelling "HAVE NOT!" until Mrs. Harbaugh comes in and breaks it up, and tells the winning Harbaugh to take out the trash.

If anything, it'll be good for football. Which is nice.

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