
Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Stars Are Out: Jim Harbaugh

SOA #6- Former 49ers Coach/Current Michigan Coach Jim Harbaugh

You know, Jim Harbaugh could have just simply said 'I'm through with the NFL, let's go to Michigan.' But instead, he has this whole, showy, LeBron James-esque way of making a huge deal out of going back to Michigan, and being really over-dramatic about it. He threw out the first pitch at a Tigers game recently. I feel like he's thrown one out at a Giants game before. Not necessarily genuine.

But who am I to complain about ethics in the NFL. I root for a team whose head coach just sent half its roster to Buffalo.

Anyway, Harbaugh in a Tigers uniform is a bit of a sight, as he looks more youthful than Kenny Rogers did the last time he wore his. Also, I kind of prefer the other Harbaugh. Still happy I made a card of him though.

I'll try and post another of these this week. I also need to make more. Though, to be honest, the guy on my next one has a movie coming out next week, so I might wait for that to come out.

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