
Friday, April 22, 2016

Cano Reservations

Robby Cano is reminding me a lot of someone like Albert Pujols or Rod Carew. They both spent the first half of their career with one team, and with that one team they moved mountains and completely ruled, and then when they joined a second team they became...okay.

Robinson Cano is still a great player, and still hits a ton of home runs, but I don't think he's still one of baseball's elite. However, unlike Pujols and Carew, I don't think the sportswriters have counted him out yet. The guy's leading the AL in home runs right now, and he's still trying so hard this season, but 2015 also happened, and was a bit of a setback for the big man.

The other difference is that Cano can definitely change his destiny this season by becoming big again, and keeping this April momentum through the whole thing. That's gonna help his Hall of Fame chances down the road, if he has as many good seasons with Seattle as he did with New York. And damn if Seattle doesn't need someone to make some big moves. They're struggling right now, because Felix and Cruz are so far kind of down. Cano needs to not only prove to himself he's great, he needs to prove it to his team.

Coming Tomorrow- He's back into dominance in San Francisco, and he might be on the way to a title.

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