
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Here's to Inevitability on Opening Day

Today's the first day of the baseball season, which means I should probably start posting again or else people will legitimately think I've passed on.

As it's 2016, and an even year, people are obviously under the assumption that the Giants are going to win the World Series this year. This year more than any other, this would be a nice assumption. The Giants beefed up their rotation by signing Johnny Cueto and Jeff Samardzija to contracts, and nabbing Denard Span to play the outfield. Their anchors are healthy, and they look like a pretty damn polished team.

Except for the fact that it would absolutely suck if they won. It would suck because nobody wants a predictable ending. People want a satisfying ending that they absolutely cannot see coming. Who would have thought the METS would have wound up going toe-to-toe with the Royals last year? No one.

So yeah, the Giants could win the World Series, but so could the Cubs, and while that would be unpredictable for LITERALLY any other season, in 2016 that would be an outcome a ton of people would see coming.

You know who I want see win a World Series this year? the Cleveland Indians. Because absolutely would not see it coming, and they have a nice chance of potentially doing well. Same thing with the Mariners and Orioles, as well as the Pirates. OR HOW ABOUT THE WHITE SOX?? They could do it!! Middle-of-the-road teams that could use a gigantic boost this year and come out of absolutely nowhere.

But yeah, I'd be fine with the Cubs or Giants winning. It'd just make too much sense. And baseball isn't supposed to make sense.

P.S.- My WS prediction for 2016 is Cubs-Astros, because I'm boring).

Coming Tomorrow (and yes, I intend to post tomorrow): The Rangers are trying to relegitimize themselves. Here's their top-starter.

1 comment:

  1. As an Athletics and Padres fan who has very low expectations for the 2016 season... I gotta admit... it would be really cool to see the Cubs and Astros play each other in the World Series.
