
Monday, April 11, 2016

Tex in Command

I look back on the offseason leading up to the 2009 season incredibly fondly. It began on such a down note...and then we accumulated, slowly, people like A.J. Burnett, Nick Swisher, and C.C. Sabathia. But, and this was most important of all, we stole away Mark Teixeira from going back home to Baltimore. We blocked Boston, or anyone else in that matter, from taking the biggest, hardest-hitting first baseman on the board.

And then we plugged him into the roster and won a world series with him. So really, it worked out.

Tex is the last guy left from the '09 recruits who's still making an impact in New York. Burnett's retired, Swisher's back, but depleted, and CC is trying to get back to where he was in 2010. But Tex, thanks to his huge reclamation last year, is still hitting well, still plays some nice defense, and is still pretty close to a leadership position on the team, which I love.

He's been doing pretty well this first week. Before the start of the season, Greg Bird was injured, meaning Tex would be doing the majority of the 1st base work, occasionally taking DH or an off day to give Dustin Ackley a chance (like most people have been trying to do). So, with that known boost in starts for the year, he's playing well, and not exactly showing his age.

It's looking like the Yankees are probably going to let him go after this season, unless they do decide to re-up him for the last few years. Still, it's been a hell of a ride, and if 2016 is the end, then Tex will just have to make this one an extra-special year.

Coming Tonight- He could have been traded, but for now, he's still a Red, and he's still got an electric bat.

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