
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Nostalgic Box Break: 1992 Stadium Club Series Three (Part Two)

I gave the last third of the box a little room to breathe, so now we're onto Part 2 of Series 3. If you missed Part 1, to recap...this box is actually pretty nice on collation so far. That's basically it.

Now, here's 12 more packs of some 1992 goodness.

 Pack 13-
Cards I needed: 14/15
Dupes: 1/15
Current Yankees Coaches: 1/15
 The landscapes in this one are great, because you see a lot more of the picture (figuratively) by zooming out, like the catcher's mitt and bat-end (in Gonzales'), and the hustling catcher avoiding the flying bat in McCray's.

 Tony Pena's still catching for Boston, which frightens Kim Batiste and amuses Archi Cianfrocco.

 Pack 14-
Cards I need: 14/15
Dupes: 1/15
Perfect Game Pitchers: 1/15
Hall of Incredibly Good-ers: 1/15
 Contrast of emotions- Ballard looks amusedly skeptical. Ron Robinson just looks horrifying.

 Seitzer's on the move, Hudler's looking out in the cage, Snyder's wondering why he sucks.

 Alan Trammell...that's actually a pretty nice shot. Lots of emphasis on white. Wells' has the right amount of concentration.

 Pack 15-
Cards I need: 9/15
Dupes: 6/15
Hall of Famers: 1/15
 A lot of the shots in this are very waist-up. Morris' has a ton of detail on the jersey, which is nice.

 I don't know why, but I really, really like Jeff Conine's card. Just something about how smiley he is, in that position.
Also, George Brett nabs the Member's Choice card for the pack.

 Pack 16-
Doc Gooden's Member's Choice is the only card I needed out of this pack. Yaaayyy...

 Pack 17-
Cards I needed: 15/15 (HEY!)
Hall of Famers: 1/15

 Vaughn's in the process of hitting one out, which...he did in the 90's quite a bit. Reynoso looks really stern. Vince Horsman's card is one of the sillier ones I've seen, between the mustache, the jacket, the expression, and what I believe is a smudge on his upper cheek.

 Greg Maddux looks really tired here- maybe a trade to Atlanta will wake him up a bit. Meanwhile, I forgot Dave Martinez played for the Reds for a sec.

 Pack 18- Halfway point.
Cards I needed: 10/15
Dupes: 5/15
Really awesome shots of players who are not in any way awesome: 2/15

 Melido Perez looks impressive as a Yankee, for one of the only times. Ken Hill's actually got a nice shot here, as does Greg Olson, looking way too casual for a backup catcher.

 Pack 19- Only needed two cards from this one, including that cool Indians slide one.

 Pack 20- Annnnd only needed three cards here, including Storm Davis. Man, this box is beginning to wear off.

 Pack 21-
Cards I need: 12/15
Dupes: 3/15

 Barry Jones looks catatonic, Joe Magrane's wondering if anybody else is seeing that, and Tim Scott...I think he's watching a bird or something.

 Two Twins stars. Knoblauch was already a Member's Choice option, while Aguilera was just getting warmed up.

 Pack 22-
Cards I needed: 11/15
Dupes: 4/15
Blog Icons: 1/15
Guys Who Played for about 10 seasons more than they should have: 2/15

 Reggie as a Red, BIP being Bip, and Arthur Rhodes reminding us all what a baseball looks like.

 Pack 23-
Cards I needed: 5/15
Dupes: 10/15
Hall of Famers: 1/15
Guys Who are still being paid by the mets: 1/15

 Goose as an A, which is a sight you don't see everyday. Looks great there.
Bobby Bonilla was a Member's Choice, kind of odd, even for 1992.

Pack 24- Only needed these two.

Well...the bottom just fell out of this box. The dupes are coming in full force, and it's probably gonna be a sticky end to the box.

I'll post Part 3 sometime toward the end of the week, but it's...a LITTLE better.

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