
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

And Somehow the Royals Have Come Back

I don't think the Royals are going to be able to finish the season in first place this year- that ship has sadly sailed...but they're making a heck of a case for literally every other position in the divisional standings this season- they can't decide on one, really. Right now they're gaining like heck on the Tigers for 2nd place, but any other point in the season they could be circling 4th or 5th- they're an inconstant team that doesn't know what they want.

Right now they've won nine games in a row, thanks to the revival of the pitching staff, and people like Danny Duffy giving solid performances in the absence of a lot of the injured, struggling players. Billy Burns, shipped in from Oakland, is doing a pretty solid job and is giving some nice average stuff.

And this is...roughly a month after the Royals essentially threw in the towel and slumped their way underneath the White Sox to take fourth. It's a zig-zaggy kind of year for them, which is pretty sad after they had a solid, constant incline last year.

I don't know if this means they'll be vying for the Wild Card, and I honestly don't think their roster's in the proper condition for a postseason run. Honestly, I think they'll just spend the rest of the season just where they are, in third.

Coming Tomorrow- A career reclamation story years in the making...and, of course, it's happening in Chicago.

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