
Monday, August 1, 2016

Finally, this Trade Season Has Been Kicked into High Gear

In the past day or so, we've finally gotten some movement on what was once a very quiet, light trade season. Andrew Miller, Wade Miley, Matt Kemp, and NOT Jonathan Lucroy (thanks to a void), are all on new teams, and this race keeps on getting juicier.

The Reds are looking like they want to trade Jay Bruce (just like last year), but Zack Cozart, who's having another nice season at short, is also worth a look, and almost was traded to Seattle, before they figured out they'd be sellers rather than buyers.

I do think it's rather sad- a few years ago the Reds were building a decent franchise infield, and had a few playoff runs, and now they're in everything-must-go formation, with practically no pitching and only Joey Votto and Brandon Phillips reportedly safe this time around. For a team that was building something good in the late 2000's-early 2010's, it's very sad.

Still, even with the dismantling of the Reds, hopefully the trades will keep coming.

Coming Tonight- After the deadline washes over, I'll do my usual Top 10 Deadline Deals post.

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