
Thursday, September 29, 2016

For the Love of Grandy

Those of you who read the blog know I've accumulated this appreciation for players, even if they spend a millisecond on one of my favorite teams. I still collect Jayson Werth, Juan Pierre and Hunter Pence religiously, and even people like Adrian Gonzalez, just fun people, fall into this category.

And then there's someone like Curtis Granderson. He was only on the Yankees for four seasons...but oh my gosh did he make them count.

He was one of those guys that just hooked me in the second he put on the pinstripes. Like, yeah. That fits. I can get used to this. And...I did. He had a couple of HUGE home run seasons in New York, even if the Yankees didn't always do the greatest job. He just made it fun, made it worth watching, and he soon became one of my favorite players. Christmas 2012, I politely asked if I could have a Granderson jersey for Christmas.

"GRANDERSON", one of my cousins said the second he saw the uniform. "What's the use of getting a Granderson? He's not gonna be a Yankee for much longer."

I didn't care.

He's been with the Mets for a few seasons now, and I still root for him like he plays for my team. I was at a Mets game last year, and I predict that he knew I was in attendance. He smashed a home run late in the game, just for me, just for the guy who kept believing.

He's not been having quite the season he had in 2015, but I don't care- he can still hit, and he can still play the outfield, and he's still likely gonna be a huge presence in the postseason (if the Mets can squeak past the Wild Card).

Coming Tomorrow- Will the Tigers squeeze into the playoffs? Well, if this outfielder has his say...yeah.

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