
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Hundred Years War Continues

I honestly had no idea what to expect from Game 6, as the Cubs were going against a solid enough Josh Tomlin performance. I have to be optimistic at this point, as the Cubs have been against the ropes for a little while now.

However...thanks to Anthony Rizzo, Addison Russell, Kris Bryant and a nice-sized Jake Arrieta performance...we're going to 7. This incredibly insane World Series between two guys who haven't won in years is going all 7. I don't think anybody's fought harder for a World Series trophy in years. This is pretty damn amazing to watch.

The only downside is that it's gone on for this long, and someone is going to leave Game 7 incredibly unhappy. It won't end well either way. If the Indians lose, they blew a 3-1 lead, got too cocky and rested on their laurels when they should have gotten Ryan Merritt to start instead of Trevor Bauer. But if the Cubs lose...then all of these last 3 games would have been for absolutely nothing. It would have been the equivalent of pushing the death sentence forward by a week. The relief is nice, but the end result is still maddening. Plus, especially with this Game 6 win, it is a colossal way to fall from the top, and it's a humiliating way to end the season that was essentially 'THIS YEAR' for Cubs fans. It's the equivalent of how Boston fans felt in the Buckner moment. They were RIGHT there, and got their hopes up for nothing.

No matter how Game 7 ends, and I imagine it's going to be one hell of a ballgame, the losing fan base is going to HURT. But nevertheless, it's going to be an amazing finish to what has to be one of the most exciting World Series' in years.


  1. Love it. And I think you post title would make a great insert set theme.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
