
Friday, November 25, 2016

Things That A.J. Hinch Might Have Forgotten

Here in Oakland, 1998, A.J. Hinch has forgotten something so important that he's slapped himself upside the head. Now, eighteen years later, and thanks to this issue from 1999 Fleer Ultra, we must ask aloud...what exactly did he forget?

  • His catcher's mask
  • His cleats
  • It's actually an away game, and he's showed up at home...on the day of a Raider game.
  • He's actually forgotten his pants and underwear, but luckily the name logo of the card is covering his privates.
  • His Chumbawumba CD (1998, remember?)
  • He was supposed to give Jason Giambi a lower back massage at 4
  • He forgot to wipe the superglue off of his helmet
  • He's actually wearing a Jets jersey instead of an A's one.
  • He's forgotten to pinch Jake Marisnick in Game 5 of the 2015 ALDS
  • To call his mom before the game.
  • Whatever Mark Loretta was pointing at.
  • To raid Miguel Tejada's sock drawer
  • That he's on a last place A's team
  • Fritos
Any suggestions as to what A.J. might have been forgetting? Hopefully they're slightly funnier than mine.

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