
Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Cain Mutiny

I feel sad that I have to remind people that the Royals won the World Series two years ago- it should be a known fact. Sadly, as the Royals have basically fallen apart, despite keeping most of the same people around, it's becoming harder to remember that they were once the best.

Alex Gordon, Brandon Moss, Alcides Escobar, Cheslor Cuthbert, Paulo Orlando, Eric Hosmer. All of those guys are currently hitting below the Mendoza line. ALL OF THEM. They're all slumping like hell. Jason Hammel and Nate Karns are struggling like heck, and the team just isn't winning games. It's a very sad sight, especially since these guys literally JUST won a World Series two years ago.

I'm not sure why the change has happened so dramatically- just taking away Ben Zobrist, Kendrys Morales, Edinson Volquez and Johnny Cueto makes the team less amazing? Were they secretly keeping everything together? It's sad, because Alex Gordon hasn't had a good season since before his 2015 injury. He's striking out a ton.

At least Lorenzo Cain is still fantastic, hitting like hell and attempting to carry the team on his shoulders, despite being LITERALLY one of the TWO amazing players on this team (the other being a surprisingly unhittable Jason Vargas). He's already doing better than he was last year at this point...and last year at this point he was already getting ASG suggestions. Sad to say it, but Cain might need to get shipped to a team that can win games pretty soon. Same goes for Mike Moustakas and Salvador Perez, who are also doing pretty well. It's just not looking good for the Royals.

Coming Tomorrow- Alright, enough hubbub's been had on this guy over the last week, so tomorrow, we're gonna talk about him? Why, exactly? Well...what the hell else about the Milwaukee Brewers are we gonna talk about? I'm not friggin' making a Keon Broxton custom.

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