
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Nolan Tryin'

He's led the NL in home runs and total bases for the past 2 seasons, and led the league in RBI last season. He's on one of the most powerful breakout teams of the year. How is Nolan Arenado not a household name yet??

I mean it- ever since Troy Tulowitzki left, Nolan Arenado has been the offensive standout for the Rockies. Yes, Carlos Gonzalez has his hitting streaks, but right now he's cold as all hell. Nolan Arenado, who started as a shrugged option at third for a rebuilding team, has turned into one of the best hitters in baseball, and one of the strongest pieces of this Rockies team.

Not only is Nolan Arenado playing well, but there's sources of strength from some of the most unlikely sources. Mark Reynolds has found a home in Colorado, playing the majority of first base, even with Ian Desmond back in the lineup. Gerardo Parra and Charlie Blackmon are taking CarGo's slump and David Dahl's injury and turning it into campaigns for their own stability, and Blackmon's making the best case so far. Even Alexi Amarista and the aforementioned Ian Desmond are doing well off the bench.

Stranger still, Greg Holland is leading the league in saves, and playing like it's 2014 all over again. It's the beauty of this Rockies team- even with Jon Gray gone, people you've never heard of, like Antonio Sentazela and Kyle Freeland, are doing the bulk of the work and thriving.

The one downside is that the Dodgers have been gaining steam like hell lately, and are slowly inching up to the Rockies' lead. They're going to need to keep pounding and hold on, in order to keep the perennial divisional leaders down.

Coming Tonight: Defying racism, defying vulgarities, and defying the rest of the AL East...for the tenth straight season (with an emphasis on the latter there).

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