
Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Deadlock Continues

I feel like every time I write about the AL Central, I talk about the fact that the top four teams have been in this semi-deadlock for first for a while. All of them want to be good, and they're all just kinda switching positions, fishing around, waiting for the other three to lose steam so they can get first. This has been going on for another week, and it's getting a bit monotonous, to be honest.

To be honest, I'd be fine with any of the four teams nabbing first place- the Indians are still likable, have some great pieces; the Tigers are pretty fantastic, and are making nice progress from last year; the White Sox have come further than anyone was thinking, and could stay in the race for a bit; the Twins, like in 2015, are the unsung heroes, and could go further than anyone would have expected them to go.

Meanwhile, the Royals are having a beer.

Look, the Tigers are a great team, and are making some nice progress, but some of the guys who made them a contender last year, like Ian Kinsler, Miguel Cabrera and Justin Verlander, aren't doing so well so far this year, and it's falling on other people, like Michael Fullmer, Justin Upton and Alex Avila, to hold the team up, and it's working well enough that the Tigers are in the deadlock in the first place. I'm not sure if it'll be enough to keep them there, though.

Coming Tonight: Famed backstop for a sinking NL team.

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