
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Stop Pointing at me, Ezequiel Carrera

Allow me to explain my disappearance.

A week or so ago I started a summer job. A really, really nice one, with beer on tap, in a great part of Philadelphia, that used my graphic design skills to the best of my ability and appreciated my work effort. It's a wonderful job, a job I enjoy. The downside is that it took a ton of time away from the blog this week.

There'd be one or two nights where I'd be home, and I'd be so drained by the day that I wouldn't have the energy to write a post. The other night I went to a Phillies game, and usually I write those up right after I'm there, but I was too exhausted, from the job and the ineptitude of the Phillies' bullpen, to write. And then last night I got home late from a happy hour.

So, like the Toronto Blue Jays, I've been too exhausted to even give a shit about baseball.

I'm gonna try to set up a system where I can pre-plan posts, or figure out a way to write that doesn't involve me writing incredibly tired, broken posts of bizarre amalgamations of the english language that just ends up finishing off in a Blue Jays or Cardinals slam. The last thing I want from this job is for the quality of this blog to suffer. I've been doing this for eight years, and I'm not gonna let even something as cool as this job finish this blog off.

More posts are gonna happen. More frigging box breaks and non-custom posts as well, because having just the two custom posts per day is honestly cheating. I wanna get back to quality writing. I wanna get back to where Mint Condition was when I wasn't mentally fried.

To quote Joel Embiid, it's the process. And speaking of, hey, wow, the Sixers got a really nice pick the other night.

Coming Tonight: That long-awaited recap of the Phillies game I went to Wednesday night.

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