
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Detroit, Mocked City

(Yeah, that one's worthy of a Daily Show lower third)

And now, another moment with the Detroit Tigers. They're not the worst in the AL Central, but...everybody good on this team is either gone, injured or slumping. They honestly have NOTHING to work with. Even Jose Iglesias and Ian Kinsler are getting a wee bit tired of holding the whole team together.

It's been noted that teams like the Giants and Blue Jays are sinking due to aging cores, but...the Tigers have absolutely nothing to start with, and the guys that HAVE stuck around are aging themselves. The youth can only do so much, and Jeimer Candelario is being forced into the picture, but with an injured Michael Fulmer and...just a great deal of disarray, there's not much to do in Detroit but assess the damage and wait for the season to end.

The fact that there were so many holes left by departed players that Mikie Mahtook is a valued starter says everything I need to. When Mikie Mahtook, destined for 'Fringe Player Hall of Fame' next to Karl Rhodes and Steve Sparks, is getting a substantial amount of playing time, you know things are dire.

So yeah. The other side of the 'the Indians can win 20 straight games' fold is that teams like the Tigers and White Sox can COMPLETELY fall apart as the season goes on.

Coming Tomorrow- While his team isn't sinking as fast as the Dodgers, he does need to buckle up and keep his lovable underdogs in the picture.

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