
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Bird Brains

Whelp. I guess we're back in 2008 again. The Orioles and Royals are tied for worst in the AL.

The sad part is, you can honestly say more about this O's team than the '08 one. This one at least has Manny Machado giving career numbers, future O's HOFer Adam Jones, Mark Trumbo trying to give a damn, and Kevin Gausman pitching on target. That's more than the '08 team had, I think. They had a bunch of struggling players trying to hit for average, a bunch of pitchers with inflated ERAs save for like one that actually knew what he was doing, and approximately two people that figured out how to hit again. One of those two is currently playing for a first place team, and that's something I wish that Manny Machado could eventually achieve.

There's just a lot of dead weight on this team, and like the '08 team, a lot of it is coming from people who are either too old or too inexperienced. You have someone like Pedro Alvarez batting .198, as well as someone new like Anthony Sandander batting under .200. Old and new can disappoint fans together.

To be honest, at this point, I don't know what can be salvaged from this team. I imagine they're gonna start pawning people off, at least the ones that can be pawned off. The Machado question's going to pop up again, and they're going to need to figure out whether they want to trade him this year or let him go next year, because it may need to happen rather soon.

Coming Tonight: After years of injuries, the Doctor is back in, in Washington.

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