
Monday, May 7, 2018

Everybody's Got a Hungry Bart

(Music Pun Streak #7. I'm proud of this one.)

It's 2018, the Texas Rangers are in last place...and the best player on the team is a 44-year-old Bartolo Colon. What a world we live in.

I wanna throw in this statistic before I go, because this is actually pretty incredible. In 2002, Bartolo Colon was traded to the Montreal Expos, in exchange for Grady Sizemore, Cliff Lee, Brandon Phillips and Lee Stevens. And a few years ago, we were all going 'aaaaahhh, that trade was a steal for the Indians, two of those guys had careers with Cleveland, and Colon went nowhere with Montreal, haaahahaaa'

...Bartolo Colon is the only member of that trade that is still in the major leagues. THINK ABOUT THAT.

Bartolo Colon's numbers haven't been the most consistent across his career, but the most you can say about him is that he outlasted. He's the Jamie Moyer of this era, and you can argue that he had an even better career than Moyer did, and later.

Right now, the bulk of the Rangers' offense is injured, and they're struggling with the little power they can muster. The pitching is a mixed bag, with a lot of inflated ERAs (and Matt Moore, who simply cannot pitch anymore). And yet...there's Bartolo Colon, throwing strikes, winning games, and having an excellent season a month before his 45th birthday, on a team where nobody can really be bothered to do well at all.

I sincerely hope this keeps up. I hope Colon has another amazing season, and gets another ASG nod. I want that so much because it's Bartolo Colon, and he deserves it. This might be his last year (I also said this like 3 years ago), so I sincerely hope he decides to end things on a high note. And if not...I hope he pitches until 60.

Coming Tomorrow- Who would have thought HE'D become the best pitcher in Phoenix?

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