
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Royal Flush

(And once again the streak ends at 10)

We bring you back to where we were...nobody in the AL Central is doing especially great...including the Royals, who are in fourth, and who are still in disarray even after Salvador Perez and Alex Gordon came back. And yes, to be fair, both Perez, Gordon and Mike Moustakas are all playing well. The fault of this team should not be on the members of the 2015 WS squad that stuck around. They're all doing pretty well.

It's the attempts to lengthen and buttress the reign of this squad that are failing, like Lucas Duda, Abraham Almonte and Cheslor Cuthbert. Heck, the rotation, while not terrible, still has people like Eric Skoglund and Danny Duffy who could be playing better?

So who does that leave? A few stragglers who aren't playing too badly, like Jakob Junis, who has somehow ascended to ace status, throwing some great game and being one of the more reliable arms on the team (along with Ian Kennedy). There's also a surprising comeback performance from Jorge Soler, an outfielder we thought was washed up post-Cubs-trade, and some generally alright stuff from Jon Jay.

So while the team is far from perfect, there are still some sprouts of promise that are essentially keeping them out of last. And I'll expect them to throughout the season.

Coming Tomorrow- Speaking of the Cubs, their perennial ace.

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