
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Tyson Ross Deserves Better

Tyson Ross is having his first positive season since 2015, with a decent record, a nice amount of strikeouts, and ungodly work compared to anyone else currently employed as a starter in San Diego. He's not showy or completely unstoppable, but he's a nice pitcher that gets the job done for you, and the Padres need one of those, especially considering Clayton Richard's current failings.

It would, however, be nice if Tyson Ross could get some run support. Or a team that's trying as hard as he is.

Look, you can tell that this team would have been something if everyone had stayed healthy and consistent. But Manny Margot and Carlos Asuaje aren't hitting, Wil Myers and Joey Lucchesi are injured, and Austin Hedges and Hunter Renfroe weren't hitting...and then got injured. So the team's a mixed bag of disappointment.

And aside from Tyson Ross, there are people like Eric Hosmer, Christian Villanueva, Brad Hand and Travis Jankowski, who are doing well and trying their best to keep the team afloat, but when the base of the lineup is kind of disappointing, and if only one starter is actually keeping runs from scoring, then it's a futile effort. And this is the umpteenth year where the Padres, regardless of effort, have wound up on the wrong side of things. They've had horrible luck, and they've rested their laurels on unreliable people.

I don't know how much better this is going to get. They're close in proximity to the Dodgers, but I don't know how long that will last. They're not as dire as usual, but the Padres aren't looking great, even with Eric Hosmer and Tyson Ross.

Coming Tomorrow- The infielder of the future...and the Yankees' current option at 2nd base.

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