
Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Stars are Out: Music Edition

A few more of these customs of people throwing out the first pitch. Today's three all concern music personnel, people who've released music, lit up the charts and whatnot.

We start with a nice one- John Legend, the guy who's one shoo-in for NBC's Jesus Christ Superstar away from having won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony, and his lovely daughter Luna, throwing out the first pitch in Seattle. I cannot tell, or forget, if Legend's wife Chrissy Teigen was a part of this first pitch, but she had to have been on hand somewhere, knowing her. Anyway, Legend got some nice recognition applause here, and did a solid job with the pitch.

Meanwhile, in Miami, the team with the loudest colors got an appearance from one of the flashier rappers out there right now, Lil Wayne, or Weezy as people who are cool call him. Obviously he's been keeping a lower key since his recent health scares, but he was still his usual, jovial self in his appearance in Miami. He was also arguably the biggest star in that stadium, and he wasn't even wearing a Marlins uniform.

Alright, let's end on something reminiscent of rock...

...alright, the guitarist for Fall Out Boy certainly works.

Pete Wentz was a First Pitch from last year, actually, but since Topps neglected to release a First Pitch set for 2018, the 2017 ones got lumped into this year's which is perfectly fine. It's also still kinda relevant, since Fall Out Boy has a new album out this year (and for anyone who cares, it's...alright, I guess?), and Wentz has been on the road with the band this year (I believe).

Again, not the most rock'n'roll-est person up here (Legend arguably rocked more in La La Land than Wentz has since 2008), but it's a cool enough conclusion to the post.

The next time you see Stars Are Out customs, expect some more MLB legends.

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