
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Tigers Update: What Do I Have Left to Say Edition

Funny story. I met a guy named Jacoby Jones once.

Not this one. He didn't do the capital C halfway through the name. He didn't play for the Tigers. I think the guy I met was Super Bowl MVP or something, I dunno.

Despite that fact, this particular JaCoby Jones is surprisingly a hot commodity for the Tigers this year, which happens when nobody else on your team is doing well. Jones is great at simply hitting for power when a team desperately needs it, but...not really at any other time.

This Tigers team is great in fleeting moments, but so many great people from this team have left that it doesn't really leave anything good? Like, who's the standout in this lineup? Nick Castellanos? Jose Iglesias? Cabrera's injured, V-Mart's over the hill, and the pitching is so aggressively okay that it's hard for anyone to stand out.

I can't really say much more about this team, because it's just not great. Even worse, it's not aggressively bad enough to make more comments about. So this is where we're stuck, I guess.

Coming Tonight: An insanely impressive defensive shortstop, for a team I can say more good things about than the Tigers...and this team's in last.

1 comment:

  1. The Tigers have outfield speed, Jones, Reyes, Mahtook, but They have trouble hitting. Castellanos is the best hitter, but plays out of position. Here's hoping the guys in the minors will be able to do both.
