
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Greene River (Always Be Closing)

(Music Pun Streak #13. Even if this is an Always Be Closing post, I'm still throwing in a CCR pun, even if it's easy)

Like last year, I'll occasionally take an opportunity to analyze a successful closing pitcher. So let's talk about the Tigers' Shane Greene, who managed to get the majority of his 11 saves thus far within the first ten games of play. Does this say more about Greene, or the Tigers? Well...let's examine this.

So let's flash back to the tenth game of the season, against the Royals, when Shane Greene notches his seventh save. The team is in first in the AL Central, and has the most wins among teams that have NOT played two extra games in Japan (hint). And Greene, with his blazing fastball and perfected ninth-inning presence, is the star of the show, getting them out of numerous close matches.

Now, immediately after this, the Tigers go on a skid. They lose seven of their next ten; the other three wins, Greene gets three more saves.

...actually, screw this math. The Tigers have 12 wins. 11 of them came from Greene saves. The other one was a blowout where they didn't need a closer. The fact is that for the most part, the Tigers aren't out-hitting their opponents enough to not need to rely on a closer very often. And the ultimate conclusion, is that Shane Greene is responsible for nearly all of their wins, and has not blown a save yet.

So...the Tigers are okay, but Shane Greene's abilities as a closer are superior enough to be lifting them from last (Royals again).

Which makes me wonder what they'll be like without him. Because he's a free agent next year, and could very well be an intriguing pickup for a team that needs bullpen help. Unless the Tigers improve, they will be without Greene in the ninth for the rest of the year, and will have to use someone like Buck Farmer or Daniel Stumpf as closer. Which, at the moment, isn't preferable. But that's what tends to happen when you're the only thing keeping your team from losing (just ask Brad Hand or Edwin Diaz)

I'd like to think the Tigers can improve, but...I wonder if they can improve without Greene. And what that says about them as a team?

Coming Tomorrow- A strong pitcher for what has, once again, become the single most fun last place team in the bigs.

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