
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Khris Davis' Neighborhood

Thank you, Japan. Without you, we wouldn't have a team in third place have a 6-4 record. The A's and Mariners are literally just Captain America and Bucky. They look young, but they have more games under their belt, and it occasionally shows.

Anyway, let's talk about Khris Davis, the single most consistent power hitter of his era. Oh, not consistently great or anything. No, Khris Davis has had the exact same batting average for the past four seasons. From 2015, where he hit 27 home runs with the Brewers, until 2018, where he led the AL in homers with 48...Khris Davis has finished every single season with a .247 batting average.

That...takes skill.

It reminds me of a detail about Fred Rogers that they talked about during that documentary they did on him last year. For most of his life, Rogers had the exact same weight, and exercised at a local pool every day to maintain that exact weight. It's insanely fascinating, and boils down to the bare bones of Rogers' personality, another challenge for Tom Hanks' metabolism, I imagine.

Am I saying that Khris Davis is the Fred Rogers of the MLB? Well...sort of.

Khris Davis does the exact same thing every year. He hits home runs. Not much else. And to some people, that brings joy. But the important thing is that Davis hasn't tried to change things up or modify his act. He just...does what he does, and keeps doing it until he can't any longer. That's the kind of thing Mr. Rogers would find admirable, I think.

Also, Pittsburgh and Oakland are very similar. Hell, there's a neighborhood in Pittsburgh just called Oakland. So there's that comparison as well.

Also...Tom Hanks happens to be from Oakland as well. However, I don't especially think he's going to play Khris Davis in a biopic anytime soon.

Anyway, Khris Davis will probably continue to be the power supplier for the A's for the foreseeable future. I can't imagine the team any other way.

Coming Tonight: Somehow, this team has lost two World Series'...and gotten even better. Here's their backup catcher, who knows a thing or two about catching for this team.

1 comment:

  1. I really like Khris Davis. The man can mash. I added him to my personal collection last year. I'm more than happy if he just keeps hitting singers...and hits .247. That is a crazy stat.
