Thursday, December 2, 2010

What would you do?

This is going to sound absolutely insane, but that's a good way to sum up my life. So try to stay with me here. This has to do with the Million Card Giveaway.

In my Million Dollar Giveaway quest earlier this year, I redeemed a 1968 Willie Mays. Arguably one of the Say hey Kid's greatest cards.

Today, I got an offer that I had to ponder a bit, and still haven't accepted- it remains neutral in my trades bank.

A trader is requesting the Mays, of course. What he's giving up is the greatest rookie card of all time.

Bob Bonner/ Jeff Schneider/ Cal Ripken 1982 Topps. Yeah, the rookie.

Let me sum up: Someone's cybertrade offers me a Cal Ripken Jr. Rookie for my Willie Mays 1968.

You, fellow bloggers and trade experts- help me decide whether I accept the offer or I decline. Please. I'm begging you.

UPDATE: The bloggers have spoken. All 13 of you yelled out loud "KEEP THE DAMN MAYS!", so I'll decline the offer. Thanks again.


  1. Jordan, no way I would trade Mays for Ripken. 1968 was when we still mishandled cards and that is the first card I ever remember pulling. The Ripken is a card that lots of people have in mint condition. Just my opinon.

  2. It's a toss up. You can buy them both on ebay every day for between 10 and 20.

    Personally I would keep the Mays.

  3. Keep the Mays. There are a heck of a lot more '82 Ripkens out in the wild than any 1968 card. It's called junk wax for a reason.

  4. If it was me, I would decline the trade and keep the Mays without hesitation.

  5. Mays all the way. You can still buy '82 wax cheap.

  6. I love the Iron Man, but for the love of god keep the Say Hey Kid.

  7. Keep the Mays. The Ripken is a much easier find.

  8. This wouldn't have taken me two seconds to decide... a vintage Mays reigns supreme over a Topps rookie card of Ripken... now if it was the traded set card of Cal... then I might do a double take.

  9. I would imagine you've made your decision by now, but I'll throw my 2 cents in too. Mays wins hands down. If you stacked up all the '68 Mays cards up next to all the '82 Rips...well, lets just say the Mays stack might not kill you if it fell over.

  10. Hold out for someone offering a 1993 Reggie Jefferson! (not that I have one of those in my MCG portfolio).

    Never mind. Keep the Mays.
