
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Jeez, Arizona...


At least wait until the season's over to make trades!

If you haven't heard already, the D-Backs made some pretty big moves today. One of their biggest stars (Chris Young) was traded to Oakland, while a rebuilding closer (Heath Bell) was traded for. 

Again, these moves are questionable, as Chris Young was too big a star, and Heath Bell was a bit of a gamble...but this easily could have waited until after the Cardinals lost the World Series. Seriously.

I kid, of course, but usually I don't see trades until November. This is crazy.


  1. Glad to see Young is headed to the Athletics. Adds some more pop to the lineup. Hopefully they'll also resign Stephen Drew in the off season.

  2. AZ has to many outfielders already. Personally I don't think Young will ever put up a season like he did in 2010. Now if they can just get a good return for Upton...
