
Monday, October 22, 2012

Please beat the Cardinals


I mean it. If the Cardinals win tonight, I'll be absolutely indifferent about the World Series. However, if the Giants win, I'll only be partially indifferent.

And that's a pretty big difference.

So please, oh please, with an orange cherry on top (I think those exist. If not fetch a black cherry), win tonight. Then, sad to say Night Owl, but you'll be the favorite going into the WS.

(By the way, this was the third time a pre-elimination-game poll has gone in favor of the Cardinals' opponent. The last two have gone on to lose. I don't want that to happen again.)


  1. And SF is in the WS. Lets bring the orange cherry.
    I'll quite indifferent like you with this WS. The thing is that Giants do have more players I like than Detroit so I'll root for SF. And even more because Yankees lost to Detroit.

    About the card you choose for the post that's great! It would be in my 'dust-is-in-the-air' cards category.

  2. I was pretty much hoping for the same thing. Those were some pretty epic slow motion shots of the Giants in the rain after the game was one too.
