
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Carlos Danger

Well, there goes another steady option for the Yankees.

Carlos Beltran made his surprisingly-important decision, and signed a contract with the Houston Astros for 2017. This is a team he hasn't played for since their playoff run in 2004, and they've been through some good (a near W.S. title), and bad (2011) times ever since. Now that the Astros have been rebuilding this offseason, with Josh Reddick and Brian McCann entering the fold as well, adding Beltran as a DH/occasional outfielder makes them even more dangerous.

Adding a bunch of contracts like Reddick, McCann and Beltran would be dangerous if it was a lesser team, but the Astros have a solid foundation, and were a borderline playoff team in 2016. This is not a Padres-esque 'flooding with contracts' type situation. This is bolstering an already-strong lineup with some more strong bats. It's the rich getting richer is all.

Only problem is the Yankees were looking to nab Beltran, so that puts us down a peg. At this point, Edwin Encarnacion's a leading DH candidate, but I'm not sure if we wanna pay that much for him. So, this move helps the Astros, and hurts the Yankees...sort of. I mean, it's debatable.

Still, it's a great move, and Beltran will likely have another nice season in 2017.

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