
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Uncustomed Heroes of 2016: Blue Jays

So, for the 2nd year in a row, the Blue Jays made it to the ALCS. I mean, this is after the Cardinals stopped being amazing, so I'd prefer to not worry about both of these guys at once, to be honest.

The Jays did some interesting stuff this year, and managed to pull together a playoff team with...a slightly worse squad than they had last year. Melvin Upton was a last minute addition from San Diego, and he did his best in his last month or so with the team. He seems to be back again, now that he's been put away from his brother, and hopefully the good luck will continue, though preferably somewhere else.

Francisco Liriano was snagged at the trade deadline, from Pittsburgh. This is one of his down seasons, so he wasn't perfect, but he did what he could, and was mostly used in relief in the postseason.

Ezequiel Carrera's one of those bench players that made big news in the postseason by doing some crazy things off the clutch. He's essentially this iteration of the team's version of Rajai Davis, but he's still very speedy and very explosive when he needs to be.

R.A. Dickey's one of those players who's impossible to hate, even if he's on a team you don't like. He's just a knuckleballer of the highest caliber, and he's been having a nice little career in Toronto, even though he hasn't been the epicenter of the rotation like people thought he'd be. I've grown a ton of respect for him, and hopefully he'll have another nice season in Atlanta.

Coming Tomorrow- Speaking of Atlanta...a few people who didn't ENTIRELY suck this season.

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