Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What's up with the Custom Cards

So many of you are wondering why I put up a Jeter 81 card last night. Well, turns out, my Photoshopping skills need to be put to the test. Awhile back I said I'd be doing a lot more retro cards with current players, and now I'm going to finally take a crack at it. As you can see by my Texiera up here, they are okay, but I've been following Bad Wax's How to. I seem to be getting the hang of it, and I wanted to share with you guys, and girls.

I might be leaving the 81 design behind and going after other classic designs. Also, non Yankees might be getting the custom card treatment (I'm doing this since barely anyone else likes the Bombers in the blogosphere).

BTW- I may or may not get a pack or two before Saturday. On Saturday, I will be leaving for vacation to Lake George NY. During my time there, I'll also be going to the Hall of Fame, which definitely means cards.

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