Our first matchup features two pitchers. One horrible, one promising. Let's get the stinker out of the way. It's our #1 seed, Jason Jennings.

That looks more like a nametag on Bring Your Child to Work day
And he will be facing Number Four seed, Johnny Cueto

I take that back- THAT is the one reason why the Reds are second place overall.
Our next battle is two hitters- one a Yankee, the other an ex Pirate. First, let's get the Yankee. Third seed Nick Swisher.

Nick's auto is said every night during Hannukah
His Brutus- Number Two seed Bobby Bonilla

I don't know why, but I'm suddenly very hungry for pretzels.
Those are our matchups, now go ahead and vote. Remember, the winners will go onto the Semi Finals, where they will play each other for a seat in the final four. I know it's just for fun, but it still sounds awesome.
Remember to check out the other regions at JD's, Oncardautos and Drew's blogs. I'm too lazy to post the links, so check them out.
Polls are on the sidebar- VOTE!!!
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